Tuesday, December 16, 2008

No photos yet

So, we haven't taken any pictures yet (sorry!) because we've spent most of the last 24 hours either eating or sleeping. My family is doing a great job at taking hospitality to new heights, and I think Nick and I have both consumed our weight in snacks, tea, and other local delights (like raw sugar cane, yum -- Nick's new favorite).

Our transition from plane to house was made easy thanks to my dad's foresight; he engaged the services of a local firm whose representatives meet travelers at the gate and expedite their way through Customs (translation: we skipped the HUGE line and felt like total V.I.P.'s). After our 30+ hours in transit, this gesture was much appreciated. We arrived at the house, had chai and breakfast with my stepmom (Rabia) and two half-siblings (Malika and Mohammed) before the three of them left for a few days in Lahore. Like June and July in America, December is wedding season in Pakistan. Since two of my cousins are getting married this week, my dad and stepmom decided to split family duties -- she and the kids are off seeing her nephew get married up North, and incidentally that celebration will be attended by the one and only John Legend.

We took it pretty easy yesterday and totally crashed for a long nap in the afternoon -- my internal clock is TOTALLY messed up right now. Last night, after a drive-by to show Nick the house I lived in before going back to the US, we stopped by a custom tailor shop to get him fitted both for an American-style suit and a traditional outfit to wear at a reception being hosted in our honor on our last night in town. And now, I'm off to breakfast -- but we'll report more, and with pictures, as soon as we can.


  1. I had a reception thrown in my honor once. There was copious amounts of Miller Lite and Toppers Pizza. Your reception might be a tad different.

    Anyway, sounds like you're having a blast. Enjoy.

    On an unrelated note, how much snow did you guys get there last night? We got about 4.5 inches.

  2. I laughed when I read this. It's been in the 70's, breezy, and gorgeous here. I read that you guys are due for a big snowstorm Thursday/Friday. Be sure to stock up on firewood!
