Sunday, December 28, 2008

To market, to market

We've been looking forward to today's activity since our arrival. Last Sunday, we were consumed by a slew of wedding-related events but we cleared our calendar this afternoon (remember, no one leaves the house before noon here) for the one and only Sunday Bazaar! This is a weekly event, and there are actually three such markets in the city. It's a haggler's paradise, featuring every product you could possibly imagine -- from groceries to clothes to pets -- and we set out today with great anticipation and plenty of rupees in our pockets.

As you can see from the photo, even the parking lot was packed, with cars parked lengthwise between the regular rows of vehicles.

Our crew was lucky enough to be accompanied by Rafia Phoophoo ("Aunty Rafia"), my dad's second cousin [who's actually more like a first cousin or sister]. Many of you may remember her from our wedding last summer. Sidebar: she's incredibly well-traveled, splitting her time between California (primary residence), China (secondary residence/site of her husband's business) and Pakistan (where most of her family lives). Rafia's presence was critical, since neither my sister, Nick nor I know enough Urdu to bring our best bargaining A-game. Not to mention, Rafia Phoophoo has nerves of STEEL, which was critical to the haggling process.

At its core, Sunday Bazaar is a seething mass of humanity, all in search of The Elusive Bargain. We spent about two hours and about US$95 there, and came away with loads of goodies. I can't spill exactly what was in our shopping bags (presents anyone?), but it was well worth it and we left happy and exhausted. This stuff is hard work!

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