Friday, December 19, 2008

Rush hour

I think you're probably tired of hearing from me by now, but Nick insists that when I write it's really "from the two of us." We're both pretty shocked by the number of people who appear to be reading this thing (careful, or we'll expect you to continue to follow the play-by-play of our home lives back in the Ray). So, thanks to everyone for all the comments and attention.

Today's post is going to be devoted to traffic. Yes, traffic. Because you've never seen people drive the way they do in Karachi! The city is home to between 17 - 19 million people (depending on who you ask) and boy, do they drive like lunatics. There really isn't any way to describe it -- maybe one day we'll videotape a stint in the car so we can show everyone back at home? Basically, it's a game of Every Car For Itself, which takes a number of different formats:

*There's the I'm Color Blind game. Red light? No one coming through the intersection from the other way? Then feel free to run it.
*Remember that old AT&T slogan, "Reach out and touch someone?" You can do that here. In the car. Lots of people like to play Let's See How Close We Can Get to That Other Vehicle While Driving -- and it can be from either side or while tailgating, your choice.
*Watch Out For The Pedestrian, because they really don't give a hoot whether you're driving 5 miles or 40 miles per hour.
*How Many People Can We Fit On This Motorcycle? So far, the highest count on this trip is 5 -- FIVE PEOPLE ON ONE MOTORCYCLE. Just stop and think about that for a moment. And of course none of them were wearing helmets. (This actually isn't funny at all. Can you imagine that happening in America? And yes, this usually means there are two adults and the remainder are children. Oy.)
*Whose Horn is the Loudest? Not to be confused with that other game, How Many Times Can I Beep Before You'll Illegally Proceed Through This Red Light? (See above.)
*My Truck is Fancier Than Your Truck. Every lorry [truck] and bus here is wildly decorated with mirrors and fancy colors and sparkly swirls. No joke. We'll try to get you some photographic proof. Also, people hang out the sides of buses or sit on top -- and I personally have no clue how riders figure out what route they're taking, since there are no signs or onboard annoucements indicating destinations.
*Which Way Will I Turn? This is best played at roundabouts. We came across one such intersection with at least eight streets feeding into the circular turn and it was madness. Every car just nosed out into traffic and then took their best chance -- there are no directions and no rules of engagement. Right of way? Fuhgeddaboutit.
*My Axle is Stronger Than Your Axle: Let's just say that some streets are better than others. They're actually trying to improve the sewer and drainage systems here and that means digging up the roads...and apparently leaving them be for a few weeks at a time. Most people here don't have SUVs, and instead they drive cars similar in size to a Civic or a Corolla. Said cars have to slow to approximately 2 MPH in order to clear the potholes we've got going on.

My Dad, being the funnyman that he is, asks Nick if he'd like to drive every time the three of us get in the car. So far, my husband has yet to accept. However, my sister -- clearly the bravest one of all of us -- drove when she was here last, so the hubs may indeed take the wheel before this trip is over.*

And now, we leave you with a photograph of local transport: this is the back of a rickshaw, which is commonly used in place of a taxi (to deliver people) or courier service (to deliver things). It's actually rained -- more of a steady drizzle, but still unique here in the desert -- over the past few days, so this poor guy is probably trying to avoid the tremendous, muddy puddles on the side of the road.

*Nick, reading this over my shoulder: "No I'm not, so don't say I'm going to." OK then. My sister wins.


  1. Glitter cars?? I love it. Please post as many pictures as possible!

  2. (Jim Pitts Voice) a man and drive a car in Pakistan...
